Wednesday, March 12, 2008

STDs Prevalent in Teenage Girls reported yesterday that 1 in 4 teenage girls have an STD, according to CDC researcher Dr. Sara Forhan. Eight hundred thirty-eight girls participated in the 2003-04 government health survey which revealed that HPV was the most prevalent STD among teenage girls, especially African-Americans. Approximately 40% of the 14-19 year old girls admitted to being sexually active; however, their definition of sex excludes oral sex, which is likely the culprit for spreading disease to sexually inactive girls. Other diseases tested for included chlamydia, herpes, and trichomoniasis.
I think that this study does more than just enlighten us about the ramped spread of STDs. It also shows the narrow perception of sex that young girls have. They do not include oral sex in their definition of sex, which could potentially expose many of them to STDs before they engage in their own definition of sex. Our sexual education programs in public schools should begin putting oral sex and vaginal sex in the same category, since they have many of the same risks. Girls should be instructed to use condoms during all sexual encounters in order to ensure their safety and promote healthy relationships.

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